About Our Brands

drape forms a covered table and at the same time a table structure

the simplicity of the fixtures’ design makes that it can be used anywhere. It can be built-in, surface mounted, or hung from the ceiling.

The Pub & Club transcends the functional aspect of the desk chair through its luxurious comfort and playful aesthetics. The Pub & Club is perfect for an informal talk or for quiet reflection. The chair makes working more human, cosy, almost intimate. As the perfect antidote to the rigid office chair, the Pub & Club lends a warm and "lounge-y-touch" to the often technocratic, uniformed work environment.

Good to know the secrets of the linen in your carpet. Natural and ecological, grown in Europe

Pure design, high quality woods, exquisite detailing, nothing more nothing less

Pure design, high quality woods, exquisite detailing, nothing more nothing less

Bulo is creating furniture for work since1963. Adding quality to the working life for the individual as well as for the organisation.

the world leading manufacturer of high-quality billiard balls developed a unique quality: the Know How to Entertain and put it into contemporary design furniture,
Our Brands